Thursday, February 15, 2007

Real men get breast cancer

Roberto is a muscular, middle-aged Cuban guy who has worked hard to make a life in this country since immigrating from Cuba some 20 years ago. His father's death last month reminded him that he is mortal, so he decided to come in for a physical. Aside from being overweight and having high cholesterol from the heavy Cuban food, he says he's noticing a painful lump in his right breast. Indeed, there is a lump about an inch in diameter, but more suspiciously, the skin of the nipple is crusty and thickened. Sometimes this nipple change is called peau d'orange, a sign of inflammatory breast cancer. Roberto is getting a mammogram, an ultrasound, and a consult with a surgeon next week. The death of a man's father is an effective counter to denial that so often keeps them from seeking care.

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